Jump-Start is seeking more input from the people who visit Jump-Start!!!

Do you know a band that should be here? Send Details to NewBand@jump-start.co.uk

Want To Sumbit a Gig review? Email It To Review@Jump-Sart.co.uk

Have a Piece of Info that we're missing? Tell us - Info@Jump-Start.co.uk

Have any idea's for us? Send it to Idea@Jump-Start.co.uk

Any thing else - Debbie@Jump-Start.co.uk

Going to a gig? Willing to hand out a few flyers to your mates? and club owners? Email us and we'll send you some flyers..


We're always looking to read and add YOUR gig reviews and YOUR ideas! So Dont be scared, email them in! Remember, The more you help us to grow - The more your helping your fave bands!